

Romanian illustrator. History and fantasy nerd. Comissions open:…

フォロー数:2139 フォロワー数:764

that’s bad for your neck, have a pillow:

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Made this a while ago, might as well share it now.

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>Eu de obicei: "Nu-s ma nationalist, nu-i suport"
>Eu cand vine vorba sa invadam Moesia

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Going off by just your voice, this was the mental image I had of you when I started listening to your podcast. 🤓

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I’m a solid 3 out of 10 on a good day so I’ll stick to making art, thank you.

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The whole art direction of Banner Saga is a giant homage to his work.

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I grew up loving Pre-Raphaelite art to death. Arthurian legends, greek mythology, victorian women with long flowy hair doing something whimsical in the mystical forest. The kind of stuff A Song of Ice and Fire made fun of.

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Been working on this character for the past month, really happy with how she turned out.

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