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Lokul Frosti also known as Jack Frost or Old Man Winter is the personification of winter

He was known to paint the leaves brown, red, and gold in the fall and then paint the frost on windows during the winter months. Lokul also guards the mountains

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A vila is a Slavic fairy similar to a nymph, they are normally female, and very beautiful beings with long hair

There are three kinds of vila, those living on land and in forests, water nymphs and cloud or air nymphs

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These scorpion-men of ancient Mesopotamia are best known for guarding the gates of the sun god in the Epic of Gilgamesh

Aqrabuamelu are described to have the head, torso, and arms of a man and the body of a scorpion

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Dryads are a type of fairy or tree spirit found in all old Celtic countries in Europe

The Celtic "Druids" are said to have gotten their names from the Dryads. Thought to be female fairies and live in the highest boughs of the 13 Celtic sacred trees

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Flora was the Roman Goddess of flowers & spring, responsible for the blossoming of flowers, fruit trees, vines, and crops

She had her own festival – the Floralia – held at the beginning of May each year to celebrate the coming of spring and the renewal of life

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Morrígan was the Irish goddess of prophecy, destiny & death. She was at once both a single deity and a triple goddess, made up of Ireland’s most powerful goddesses

Morrígan’s ravens would circle battlefields & carry away dead souls

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Stargazers can look forward to an “unusual” celestial event this Halloween when the Blue Moon rises in the sky

What makes this event unusual is that it will be seen in all parts of the world for the first time since World War II. The next one is on October 31 2039

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Because the Moon rules the tides, Monday is the best day for Water magick of all kinds

Create traveler's amulets, Anoint and cleanse magickal tools, Commune with Fae and spirits and Reflect and renew the spirit

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Asatru is a religion which involves the worship of ancient Germanic spirits and Gods.

The name comes from two words in an ancient language called Old Norse. It means "faith in the Æsir." The Æsir are the Germanic gods

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The whose domain is the water element are known as undines. These beautiful, supple mermaid-like beings are subtle and swift in their movements & can change form rapidly

The undines cleanse not only the physical waters, but also our emotional & subconscious world

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