

Web Comic Editor, Former Alzheimer's/Parkinson's researcher, Former 2nd Admin on EqD, Blanket Tester
Follow for art! (He/Him) Banner: @ImalouArt

フォロー数:2527 フォロワー数:42647

Rainbow acting cool as usual, bask in her awesomeness.
Artwork is by RainbowEevee, find them below!

32 172

Looking good in pigtails, Dashie!
Artwork is by Hot-Applejack, find them below!

29 155

Anyone out there fans of Flashlight? Boy, I remember all the rage it caused back in the day. 2013 was a fun year...
Artwork by Loreto-arts, find them below!

38 314

A Dash of Apple, anyone?
Artwork is by CinnamonSparx, find them below!

25 104

Must be a Punk Rock phase they're going through, eh?
Artwork is by Wimsie, find them below!

39 199

She might be older but she's still got it! Art is by , find them below!

20 184

Trixie is the best intern!
Artwork is by its-gloomy, find them below!

27 134

Gorgeous Momma Apple. I really love her design out of all the other moms. Maybe I'm a sucker for curly hair, heh.
Artwork is by Reterica, find them below!

41 293

We all feel down sometimes, even awesome ponies like Dashie. It's whether we can pick ourselves up again that really matters.
Artwork is by HeavyMetalBrony, find them below!

28 128

Happy winter Derp!
Artwork is by Kayletustone, find them below.

38 173