

@Ubisoft Cty Experience Mgr - She/Her 🇫🇷 - I draw things & I play games - Discord Mod for @elgato /@discord Townhall / @thegameawards / @AvatarFrontiers

フォロー数:363 フォロワー数:848

Uuna of course. So we can play princesses and talk about new places we could visit when we will leave the island.

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prepatch is here. And the first thing I did when I logged in, very important one...was about..COSMETICS.
My druid looks so pretty, I love it. 🌙

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Thank you
Needed more cats in my life. Never enough cat.

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AAAaaaaaaaa thank you SO MUCH for grabbing this for me. You’re amazing!

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Here we go! Leaving for Montreal. First time there, one week for work. See you in a week Paris o/

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- Grab train going to a closer station.
- Get off, go outside, it’s still raining. Walk to your initial destination : Train station.
- Discover that Police with 10 vans are in the way and blocking people in front of your destination.
- It’s 7.15. RIP 6.51 train for home.

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