

Yo wut? {Banner by @FrostyGFXs PFP by @DeimondTR}

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The Mythic Dawn

Axylia and The Divine Crusader have successfully brought the last Heir to the Empire’s Throne to safety in Cloud Ruler Temple, and after a night of rest, Martin is ready to talk about who he believes the enemy is, and the plan to retrieve the Amulet of Kings.

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Tipping the Scales

“What...? You think I’m Uriel Septim’s son...? No you must have me mistaken for someone else... My father was a farmer... I know your Summerset’s Queen, but why should I just take your word on something like that...?”

“The enemy knew you were here. We need to

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Yes well this one aint your typical Crusader

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“Divines Preserve Us...”

The sky turned a blood red... and they saw what appears to be a barricade sight. As the two run up to the hill’s top, they saw what the barricade was really for... Daedra were running toward them from a hellish gate. Behind the gate, was Kvatch. Or...

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She puts on her traveling light armor set, and called for her Gryphon.


He comes down to her and licks her face.

“Quick Talon. To the Imperial City. We can’t waste time.”

Talon nods his head. She jumps on his back, and they take off. Talon’s heed to Lia’s urgency

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and rescued him by freezing time around everyone but her and Oracion. She didn’t recognize him at first. He looked like an elder kai. Aged. Face completely different. But he had a same smile on his face when he saw her. That smile was the same one he had before he changed, when

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Oracion, The Cursed and The Blessed

For a long time now I’ve been saying that Zamasu is Axylia’s Teacher and that he is an anomaly split from his historical self which is why he no longer hates Mortals. I have retconned this and it is no longer Zamasu who is Axylia’s teacher.

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So first you say he’s a Dragonborn as a human with the soul with a dragon. Gee I wonder who that sounds like... And then next you describe him as a human with the soul of a dragon. Then you flip flopped and described the character race from DnD.

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