

🔞This is what schools warn against.🔞
I'm just a lewd Shoulder lover.

フォロー数:331 フォロワー数:616

You Can See Link's Shoulders in Breath of the Wild. Yea... Yea... I mean... ... He's hot... Yea nothing else to say.

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You Can See Raphiel's Shoulders in Gabdro. Please step on me. I'll literally worship her and as an angel it's holy therefore I shall be cleansed.

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You Can See Ina's Shoulders from look at her otherworldly shoulders, mere mortals are unworthy of seeing such awe inspiring sights. I understand why she has a cult around her.🙏🙏🙏

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You Can See Karin Kanzaki's Shoulders, and holy shit do I want her to fuck me. Why can't I have a blonde ojou-sama with hair drills and shoulders so perfectly sculpted you feel so close to reaching out and touching them. She is so divine. Why why must video games be so hot?

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You Can See Some of Ashe's Shoulders in Overwatch. Because the full shoulder isn't visible, I don't know if that makes her hotter or less hot 🤔. I'd like her to step on me either way.

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You Can See Olivia's Shoulders in Pokemon. She just wants some loving, and with shoulders like that who wouldn't say yes?

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You Can See Kaguya's Shoulders in Kaguya-sama.

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You Can See St. Louis' Shoulders in Azure Lane. 🥵🥵🥵. Gaze upon her beauty and weep, her divine shoulders make me wet. Her beautiful blue hair the color of dreams. Her soft skin so soft and smooth, I just want to sleep in her lap or bust or on her Shoulders of course.

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You Can See Kaede Akamatsu's Shoulders in Danganronpa. I mean the Ultimate Pianist has to have some good fingers for hand-holding, and some good shoulders at the other end of her arm.

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You Can See Kiara Takanashi's Shoulders from Why is the chicken so spicy? Look at her beauty, her grace, her shoulder glory. Kiara is great.

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