

(Canary✩she/her✩26) Hi, I'm Canary!
Illustration & Character Art
Fairy Godmother in training.✨💙

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:10729

My boys as smols. Baby Kassian looks like me when i get up in the mornings bless his poor little spooky heart.

3 20

One of my kids books clients sent me their script today and I doodled one of the characters for fun.

0 13

"If you're cuter, monsters won't hit as hard."

4 18

faces cause dude makes some captivating expressions. Godspeed you silly peanutbutter man.

3 19

im garbage someone stop me from doodling faces so I can geT TO WORK >:U

5 23

is OC october here yet I'm already starting whoops

0 10

Nekoma fantasy au stuff weeeee

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[Mermaids] give me all the mermaid prompts. ALL OF THEM.

46 86

fff i forgot i posted these EAH doodles on the tumbles. I really like these dolls tbh don't look at me.

2 15

[rain] haven't done this in a bit sorry this is v gross and messy forgive me. i wish it was raining here.

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