

Candaru - she/her - adult - I just comment-spam and ramble on this blog! Check out @Candaru_Driemor for actual content!

pfp by @nyarsenic, banner by @faetherie

フォロー数:52 フォロワー数:310

I forgot about this one! after she graduates from therapy, I'd like her a lot :)

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personality-wise she's more my muse type than my Type but she's still hot

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oh man I have three that I love dearly but one of them is PAZELLE TWIST, MASTER DETECTIVE!!! she's obsessed with mysteries both real and fictitious, the biggest one probably being What Could Her Epithet Possibly Be?

(she doesn't have one :<)

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based on skimming the other replies, I will guess:

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1. Android/A.I. (especially if it's a plot twist)
2. Selfless to a fault
3. Stoic (NOT EDGY, just typically low emoting)
4. Perfection incarnate

...I realize looking upon my examples, "lawful good" is also prominent and in abundance

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What could possibly have Molly in such a state?! You'll have to read the next chapter of Cinderella's Mystery to find out!

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ok ok ok SO,,, either of my children??👀

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