Cannaverse | SOLD OUTさんのプロフィール画像

Cannaverse | SOLD OUTさんのイラストまとめ

Building. Coming back at March 2023. Never Smoke Alone.🍃

フォロー数:387 フォロワー数:6880

Drop you sol wallets and RT to be considered for greenlist🌿

Join Dr. Hemp and the buds at the CannLab where weed growers and professionals from around the world will educate about marijuana using AR and VR technologies.🧪

Stay tuned, stay high.🌿

291 388

Puffs joint...

We're giving away 15 Greenlist spots to Cannaverse voters on , send proof to be considered.
Results will be announced in 24 hours.💨
Vote here

Mary Jane be with you🌿

91 167

Hits Blunt...

Cannaverse is now using Blocksmith Labs tool - Mercury to do our Greenlist wallet collection .🌿
To submit your wallet please follow this link 👉


42 99

Hits bong...

On this good day we want to introduce our visionary artist 👽
5 GL spots Giveaway🤫

To enter :

-Like, RT
-Follow ,
-Join Discord

Maryjane be with you🌿

280 335

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL.

To sustain the Cannaverse eco-system, the buds created a governance token $HEMP used to trade, pay for events, monetize businesses in Cannaverse, and more🪙
wen staking?

Stay tuned, stay high.🌿

281 414

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL.

Sup Bud, where's your membership card?🪪
To access the CannaHub all Buds should posses their CannaHub card, it will be airdropped to nft hodlers 10 days after mint date.

Stay tuned, stay high.🌿

274 398

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL.

Planning is done, It's the time to build!🏗️
After collecting their tools, the CannaBuds are building the CannaHub where they will gather to chill, launch their businesses, trade, and more... 🛸

Stay tuned, stay high🌿

479 713

Hits Bong…
Meet Dr. Hemp.👽

Discord will be opened in 24 hours. First 1000 to interact will be considered for WL🛸
Never smoke alone🌿

820 1256

Hits blunt…
Meet Ganjaman👽

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL.🛸
Never smoke alone🌿

475 783

Welcome to Cannaverse👽

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for WL.🛸
Never smoke alone🌿

912 1537