Cape Cod Fairytalesさんのプロフィール画像

Cape Cod Fairytalesさんのイラストまとめ

Fairy tales from the Long Land and beyond!
Sea life and land life and sky life welfare on the Long Land and beyond!…

フォロー数:534 フォロワー数:778

The Chupacabra's name translates into literally ‘goat sucker’ but it also preys on humans throughout the Americas. Its has sunken and bloodshot eye sockets, along with its razor-sharp claws and fangs.

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"Moshup was the first schoolmaster. From his home on the Cliffs he taught the people respect.... He also taught us to be charitable - for when he had great stores of fish he gave of his abundance." --a tribal member

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Pukwudgies are the oldest mythical creatures in North America. Stories of Pukwudgies originate from the Wampanoag people. The tribe believes they will become violent if they are disrespected, but are fine if they are left alone.

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Wampus Cat is visible only right after dark or early dawn, this half-woman, half-cat haunts the Appalachian region and is rooted in Cherokee folklore.

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The White Wolf's mysterious call echoes throughout the Long Land on moonlight nights...

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Wamanoag crops; corn, bean, and squash were planted by the women. The broad leaves of corn provided shelter; the corn stalk was a stake for the bean and squash vines; and the vines ensured maximum capture of rain and minimum erosion.

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The White Wolf of Cape Cod is possessed by the magic rays each night. The aura gives light and clarity to evil doings on the Long Land.

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