

Male, 24, Pisces
Full Time D&D DM, Half Baked Artist, Fiction Author, Amateur Voice Actor, Brutal Weapons Master and Lastly Dangerous Squid Kid.

Feel Grateful.…

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:118

New MBJW pictures for us individually. (art by Joshimations Background by me)

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I won! I WON! wait... what did I win?

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Friends Discord chat right now.

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It is this fricks Birth day! have a undead day full of food.

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A message to all who are in the states. Even if you don't live in the states I still wish you a fantastic day.

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When I saw this I was like, wow. (he didn't mean for it to be based of of it)

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something I did a while back that I had never posted.

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* the words I need healing Eco through the halls*

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