

Self-Taught Amateur Artist. Knights are cool. Tokusatsu fan and Gunpla hobbyist. Currently (slowly) working on a comic called "Asphalt Militia".

フォロー数:3736 フォロワー数:402

I've never colored anything 'fore and I didn't really intend on trying to but I just sorta got swept into it

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some Singals for today

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went with most memorable since I don't watch many these days

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Colorless is a new manga about color

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Good Vibe Train choochoo

0 1

My Angelarium thing arrived. It's small and nice to hold. Nice quality.

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My friend is very cool you should follow them because their art is the coolest in town

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a book about my favorite superhero's history. What timing considering it's Stan Lee's birthday.

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