

A simple man; I draw sometimes
PFP by @skelwolf

フォロー数:758 フォロワー数:118

Created this last week for class, it's just a silly goofy guy

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Dear pesky Warrior of Light, I have taken Minfilia to one of my 7 Garlean strongholds-

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☆ Like / reply and I’ll give you a colour, then post four characters in that colour! ☆
gave me pink~

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Sleepy bois just tryna sleep don’t be rude

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I got pink!
Like for a color!~

My characters are Riot Girl Trist (LoL), Washu (Tenchi), Salya Mass (Gundam) and Konoko (Oni)! Konoko might be a bit of a stretch on pink ouo;

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Got tagged for the is it noticable that I like drawing a singular character? ouo

I'm pretty sure everyone has been tagged for this so hey if you haven't joined the artchain yet, tell em I sent you!

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Now if we're REALLY talking about range here

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