

ネット中毒のアスペです。お絵かきが好きでほぼ毎日描いてます。(海外在住)Japanese living in the U.S., spending my time drawing comics daily basis. 
お礼のリツイ垢(Retw Acct)→

フォロー数:19834 フォロワー数:19449

海のトリトンの子供達 112
To me, Triton's ground battle was a little weird, but I guess it can't be helped since the story turned out this way🙄

15 287

The Children of Triton 93
Why do men love muscle training?
I like drawing beautiful muscles, but I don't have the passion to train myself.

30 321

The Children of Triton 92
I like drawing cute fairies, but Triton seems to get a better response
Maybe people think that I'm not the type to draw cuties

10 234

The Children of Triton 91
The damage caused by dental anesthesia will not heal.
I guess it will last for several months How sad...! But I'll continue to draw manga😂

19 238

海のトリトンの子供達 111
For that reason, I was only able to draw 4 pages. I was a little sad...😢😢😢

53 494

海のトリトンの子供達 110
This week, my nerves were damaged by the anesthesia for my tooth implant, and I had to endure the pain every day😭

25 331

Welcome to The Academy 103
というワケで、今週はトリトン君を投稿します。 いつもリポスト、いいね、フォローありがとうございます!
So, I'll post Triton this week. I appreciate Repost, Like Follow so much all the time!😊😊😊

48 367

Welcome to The Academy 102
The story of Welcome to the Academy has paused, so I'll proceed with Triton for a while😇

36 321

海のトリトンの子供達 108
This time, Triton is flying in the sky, but in modern stories, anything goes, so you won't be surprised if a character flies😅

61 443

The Children of Triton 90
Once the anesthesia wore off, I was in severe pain, so I took antibiotics and painkillers at a maximum dosage to calm down…😭😭😭

52 386