

✨Professional Game Artist✨ ☆•Twitch~CareIsBear

フォロー数:44 フォロワー数:39

The next sticker in my upcoming pack and the next piece in my one week series.

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New art for my 1 art a day week series. This will also be part of soon to come sticker pack. More info on that at a later date.

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New art update. Trying to draw something once a day for a week to keep up on personal art. This is the first 2 days. More to come hopefully♥️

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Pokémon 009: Serving ice cream and smiles.
This one has been a long time coming, sorry it’s so late XD

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Pokémon 008: Warehou is being served! Sorry for the delay on this. I had to start doing school art. I’ll be finishing up gen 1 starters and then taking a break from the series to start posting school things again.

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Pokémon 007: surfing and snacking. Have any more suggestion for my Pokémon food series? Leave suggestions bellow and I’ll tag your name if your idea gets picked!

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Pokémon 006: selling yummy treats!! Comment more name suggestions if you have them!

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Pokémon 004: He is heating up his drink for a cold winter day.

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Pokémon 003: This is the latest in my Pokémon food series, if you have any suggestions for future Pokémon please let me know. My favorite so fair is Chaimander.

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Pokémon 002: Ivy Brew for a cold winter day❤️ if you have any other Pokémon food suggestions let me know!

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