

Derugged @JellyCoNFT 🥷 Building @GambullsCasino 👷 Gamba on Kick 🎰 Crypto & NFT Trader 🪙

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10 VIP WL Spots given away in the comments for

Make sure to retweet!

388 516

Any interaction with this tweet will be considered for a WL spot.

Good luck!

603 1128

If you didn't know, we're hosting a Mutant Ape raffle on in $JELLY

All $JELLY we receive goes back into staking.

Maybe you should go and buy some tickets.

Buy some JellyRascals and get access to free tickets through staking!

183 324

My Nebula up for raffle.

First one I've ever created for SOL, to take some profits. Let's see how it goes.

892 1092

Couple of things being worked on

Multispins & a better looking wheel on the UI

Trust the process.

JellyDrop will be marketed on YT, streams etc. Going to generate a shit ton of revenue once its out of beta and all will be pumped back into the token!

174 307

Alright a lot of people saying ‘I wish I could get a Rascal’ in my DMs and on Twitter so how about this..

Follow &
Tag 3 Friends

I’ll draw a winner for a Rascal when I’m back from Dubai!

Good luck ❤️

3767 2832

Just did something.

88 821