

20, ♂️Aspenger.
Dibujante y muy fan de #CrashBandicoot #Skullgirls #Undertale y más.

フォロー数:247 フォロワー数:303

Digital drawing:

a digital drawing that I did, and well it almost fit me very well :/

My Ship, Charly (My OC) X Liz, but that Ship I call: ❤️CharLiz💜

Hope You like It.

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Lo amo muchísimo 🤩🤩🤩

Thank you ^^

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Comparación de dibujo: (Crédito por )

Su estilo ✏️ mi estilo ✏️

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Well let's see with my OC Delilah 🧡

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In the next drawing project I will do one of the OCs of my good friend, .

If you see this, you can tell me below which OC characters of yours I can draw.

So, I will organize, since I will be drawing that I have pending, and some time I will do the drawing.

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Muchas gracias por la imagen. Tuve mucha suerte ^^ Es la primera vez que me dibujan mi OC.

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Dibujo vs digital:
Liz Bandicoot 💓💓💓
Ok no se por que me enamore del dibujo😊😊

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Dibujo digital de mi personaje creativo, Delilah.

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