

Trying to be a better artist one day at a time.…

フォロー数:3214 フォロワー数:224

It's this dude, it's when Vegeta got taken over by this alien parasite type creature named "Baby" and turned him into that.

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Yeah it seems like they're moving further and further away from their core colors. If they just shifted the colors a bit they would look great. Someone actually did an edit of Blake's outfit to make it more black & purple & shorten the coat tails & it looked pretty good.

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Jason is still Red hood this is his concept art for it. Either Red X is a new character all together or he might be the new alias for Damian Wayne since he's an adult so he most likely left the Robin mantle behind.

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"Windbreaker" is a great sports webtoon about street bicycle racing culture and I highly recommend that. "Plum" an odd but charming series where in this world fruit stacking is a major sport. Finally Room of Swords a great sci-fi series about warriors from different time periods.

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I think this would be a great excuse to talk about how much Tite Kubo loves fashion. I always loved the splash pages of his characters wearing variety of clothes like they were models! So i'm expecting Burn the witch will be even better with showing off fashionable clothing!

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Yeah this was art they released years ago on the sequel they were working on.

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They were trying to give your soul eternal damnation instead they're stuck playing video games for all eternity.

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I mean what's not to love about Digimon it's the only series where you can see a walking gun with 2 guns, a dragon with a lot of guns on it's guns, and a body where every limb is a gun. God I love this franchise character designs because they are so ridiculous but amazing😂

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I gotta go with Alphamon, UlforceVeedramon, Apollomon, and finally Gomamon because he's the homie. 😂

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It's cause he can rock pink and grew like an extra 2 feet. Get you a man who can still grows well into his 30s 😂

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