

Here for reliable/truthful #covid info (#cv/cev), #art, #photography, #nature
Digital art:

フォロー数:2484 フォロワー数:1678

Trying something different ... an 'otherworldly' landscape style ...

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And here's my 2nd set for this Back later! 🙃

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Last two from me this 'See' you all again - same time, same place - next week! 🙃

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Here's another colourful kaleidoscope for

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Morning I've done some bright and cheerful kaleidos this week. Good for the soul!

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I can't remember which ones I've posted already today for My brain is hopeless! Anyway, try this one - and sorry if I've already posted it. 😹

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Here's another floral one for Pretty pinks this time🌺

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I've enjoyed myself today making Alice in Wonderland Cheshire cat floral collages. Here's my latest on a fridge magnet:

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This will be the last one from me this I hope I have some newer ones sorted for you next week.

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Hi I've been sorting out some old files and folders this past week. Found a few kaleidos I'd forgotten. So, as I haven't had a lot of time otherwise, this week's kaleidos are some old ones I found. 👍

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