

Read my Comics: Tim and Gina - @timandgf | The Takeoff Show - | YT:

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Some Dragon Ball fanart featuring Gohan and Videl, and their friends who are in the intro when they really shouldn't be lol.

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And the old format in case you don't like the new one lol.

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The Takeoff Show - Comic Books

New comic in a new format!

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Okay, so I was watching "Walking Small" when I saw this...
They flippin' changed him from brown to orange what the heck?!

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Made this last night. Was trying to paint white objects without actually using the color white. Y' know what I mean.

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I actually made a lineup of the characters for this one shot.

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Started this last night. Finished it a minute ago.

Would this be considered a digital painting? I'm not sure.

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Just realized it's March 15th. I was literally watching Fairly OddParents earlier, how did this not occur to me 'til now?

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