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La ONU declaró 2021 el Año Internacional para la Eliminación del Trabajo Infantil. La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) estima que el trabajo infantil en México incrementará de 3.3 a 5 millones de niños. #DíadelNiño ¡Exigimos #CeroTrabajoInfantil!
"Prêt-à-porter" nouveau costume à la mode pour Nicolás #Sarkozy, sur sa passerelle vers la prison. Illustration du grand dessinateur mexicain Antonio @rodriguezmonos cc @voguemagazine @s_chauveauAFP @AlyssaMGoodman @SandrineTreiner @vogue_italia @CocoJeammet #FashionWeek
Al Papa Francisco, @Pontifex_es, le gustan el mate y el café pero sin trabajo infantil. Ilustración @rodriguezmonos para #365DíasContraElTrabajoInfantil cc @akmellmann @nataliealcoba @SilvinaChediek @LuisGasulla @carlosecue @ConiBertolini @herr_anne @AleMelgo @fdbedout @Oharruti
@FMdelaC @GuyRyder @unicefchief @ilo @UNICEF @StephNebehay @REUTERSFARGE @nina_larson @michellenichols @ajimran @BBCNuala @MartineBBC Millions of poor children are exploited as cheap child labor by the coffee, tea & cocoa industries because multinationals & developed nations refuse to share #10CtsPerCup. Most journalists overlook this very important issue. @MargaretAtwood @samelou @kredanz @francoismurphy
@Mittaloak @benandjerrys Anuradha , The best way @benandjerrys & @unilever can honor the memory of #MLK is to STOP EXPLOITING POOR & DEFENSELESS CHILDREN to be able to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa, coffee, etc. @donlemon @AliVelshi @preddavid @PeterWhoriskey @ZivaBranstetter @ksieff @AngeAboa @politico
@paulnewnham @FMdelaC @RuthOpenBlue @futureoffoodorg @alexander_tmg @FoodSystems As confirmed by report Hunger in the Coffeelands of @SpecialtyCoffee link https://t.co/7efYcgk56z, for many years there has been a humanitarian crisis in many of the rural communities that produce coffee. @FMdelaC proposes that coffee, tea & cocoa industries share #10CtsPerCup
#EUCO Par @Alfdessinateur La réalité de l'Europe 72 ans après la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme: l'UE est le plus grand bénéficiaire économique de la misère et du travail des enfants dans le café, le cacao et de nombreux autres produits @WeyandSabine @quatremer
Today, is the 72nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths and EVERY corporation member of @WEF has child labor in its supply chain. Tens of millions of poor children work for them & yet #KlausSchwab claims @Davos is COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE STATE OF THE WORLD
On #InternationalVolunteerDay we salute the hundreds of millions of people who volunteer to help others. We also invite volunteers to join our global campaign #365DaysAgainstChildLabor to help defend the 300 million poor children that work. We look forward to hearing from you!