

🇹🇼 水星落陷在射手跨領域跨到無視常識的自由創作者,教師兼遊戲程式開發、書本插畫的占星師。當過八年可以為一杯咖啡折腰的社畜,厭煩文鄒鄒的社會架框跟假象,決定過個十二歲孩子也能懂的日子。 占星塔羅療癒聯繫:[email protected]

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:983

last 52 cards
After I learned occultism, I found a particularly interesting part of the process. Whether it is tarot, astrology or other, every card is seen inside, but when the analyst explains it, he speculates on the material world, which is also manifested. law.

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last 54 cards
Time to find out how to make cards

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last 55 cards
When be Decidophobia, it is best to discuss it with someone

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last 56 cards
Lie down completely for two days, rest is too important

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