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Hiya, I love seeing these things as it shows me new talented artists! I’ve decided to share my artwork for once so here we go. I’m nicknamed Casper and I’m from England and these are some recent drawings if mine with my characters 3 of which are based off myself. Stay safe!

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Been drawing more. I drew myself as the Riddler after drawing my friend as Heath Ledgers’ Joker. I didn’t know who I was gonna draw myself as until I did this quiz thing

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Just did a new oc, she’s based off of my Anxiety so I nicknamed her Anx. I imagine everyone having their own version of anxiety wether it be multiple people or thing or just one lone being!

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This is awesome. Well, hi guys call me Casper. These are my trash children

[[ gal is Trinity. First drawing is her as Chel from El Dorado, second is her as a demon thing n the boy is called Max n is her twin who is a Phoenix in this fantasy au ]]

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Here Scarlet Pendillor

[[first one was drawn in class, second is when she’s a vamp in this one AU]]

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Hi, people call me Casper. I’m currently learning how to animate but I’ve been drawing all my life.

I’ve also made a World with my friend from America! She isn’t on Twitter 😅

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Well, here’s some of my drawings. I haven’t stopped drawing since I was little, it’s the only thing I’ve kept to and haven’t abandoned. So yea, here

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I’ve been debating and I might start to post some drawings that I’ve done, I don’t normally finish them to be honest but yea, have some stuff I guess

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