

🇦🇺 ✦ she/her ✦ squids, pixel ponies, DisneyDLV, fandoms & more! ✦ gamer, writer, cosplayer, dabbles in creative things~ ✦ banner & pfp; @RedFangVictory ✦

フォロー数:137 フォロワー数:337

i made 's sans and papyrus in because i am lowkey in love with their designs 🥰
i want, to hug them both 👀💙

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is trending - lemme just, repost some of my old stuffs 👀

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so, i've fully accepted i'm biromantic but, this month i'm focusing on accepting myself as asexual. for the past couple of years i've been unsure yet, still labelled myself as ace but, am starting to feel it now c:
happy pride, beautiful people! 🏳️‍🌈💜
(picrew by @/chemicataclysm)

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him 💕
(i've lost count of how many likes/characters i'm up to aha)

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holiday update shenanigans c:
i'm adoring my lil frog toy a lot more than i should, haha. also might have screemed when i got the pig; its cute >w<

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i felt like posting this just in case i have followers out there that do indeed play lol-
my sona vs the character i'm usually running around as c:

tis a quaint little game. not much to do except explore and chat to people, but i do love it ^^

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Amaru is such a bean you guys 🥺💜

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