

Publishing a modern magazine for people who treasure games and appreciate print. Play without constraint. [email protected]

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Films fans, the latest and greatest issue of is out now and features our own . Go get it.

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We take pleasure in trying to trip up technology. I'd build a house, remove the door and watch people go mad – SCC

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We love absolutely everything about these Sonic 3 print ads. The space, the type, the colour. Perfect.

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Skyrim had me hooked with its castles and amulets and dragons and its endless terrifying landscape – SD

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I love the simplicity of the racing. It makes it so fun and silly. A great game to play with friends – EJS

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I was about four when I got a NES. Happy memories of kicking my brother and mother’s asses on Double Dragon – MC

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The whip-smart dialogue and strange characters added so much. I still have a thing for the oddball hero, George – MT

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Based on Helvetica, 's is a bespoke font called Isolation Bold designed by .

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Big thanks to for encouraging an already dangerous obsession here.

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We popped over to yesterday to pull together some footage for our upcoming Kickstarter video.

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