

24 | I draw sometimes as a hobby | Worm | Commissions and Art Trades are closed. | Banner commissioned by @Mochi_L0ver

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:474

some persona renders. maybe i could make more of these with the other ocs in the future?

4 14

am I perhaps going to put too many small details in these these renders for things like the clothing?

Yes, yes I am

0 3

to the old school gamers, the second should look familiar

1 6

pizza time pizza pizza pizza

7 32

I haven't made one of these retro anime style gifs in ages but I wanted to make one of 's Elzbeth

2 11

Some more (I know we just got an undertale rep but still)

3 10

Been thinking about Cuphead being a Mii Outfit and was wondering what other games could get similar reps, so I tried mockups of Mii Outfits that rep Hollow Knight and Minecraft. What other games could get a rep through Mii Outfits?

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So my great friend surprised me by commissioning to draw my OC and AHHH ITS SO CUTE I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU 💞💞

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