

||30s || all time loser|| shit poster

フォロー数:787 フォロワー数:662

Had someone draw my Dhampir clockwork soul sorcerer.

The Frost Fever is really prominent

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Actual conversation with a misogynistic DM:

"Jusr curious what race would my ranger be?"
DM: its a woman so IT would be nonexistent "

*goes on to talk on about female body parts on male characters *

What the actual fuck?

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Fun campaign this weekend. Got to play a tabaxi druid circle of spores and a Dhampir Druid circle of Moon.

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I'm gonna leave these here for now.

Art on the left is by

Try not to get too aroused

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New Halloween costume/cosplay ideas

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Check out awesome art made by of my Loxodon Cleric Inaura

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My mood every day.
Alshire in the full.

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Is it virtual? I have tons of cool character ideas I would love to use.

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