

Spanish/English 🐺🦈🦎🐱
Just a brain in a jar

フォロー数:900 フォロワー数:29742

Hi! I'm Cationalfa, big fan of anthro characters, mostly if they are big buff! I work as a teacher with kids but in my free times I like to draw. I like New Age musice like Era, Castlevania and some RPGs games like Ragnarok.

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-I finally found you, nasty shark, even our size differences wont stop me from trap you
*Both fully strip their equip til be naked*
-Try to catch me, but dont blame me if I breake you something
*Sudden bear hug*
-You dont blame me if want MORE
-Shut up, just dont try to kiss me!

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~At gym, Grum is pumping his muscles
-(Manager) OMG...huge pecs, I mean, excuse me sir, uh shark, this is public gym, you can't be butt naked
-GRRR BUTT WHAT!? *fierce eyes, big teeth at the manager*
-Just clean when finish 0///0
-Arm GRRR bring more towels and wipe me 💪💦

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~At showers
-Grum, may I touch your pecs after bath?
-Only touch, why not squeeze and why after bath and not now?
-Cause you're wet and naked
-VAMOS AMIGO, APRETAR PECS DE MACHO! Don't be shy, someday you'll have big muscles, just don't throw in the towel
-Or the soap -Bowie said

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-Too much lobo fur, that must be Derris. It doesn't matter cause Grum & Arm are here, now say CUÁL BESTIA ES MÁS ENORME! *flexing his sturdy muscles for YOU*
-(You) Another beast with no clothes
-Hey, I'm not naked, I have Arm

*Here the new sticker pack*

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*No way to escape, perhaps is time to accept YOUR fate*
-Derris is bit angry today, but we must celebrate because...
*His huge body preeses you harder*
-At least a final rub, grope

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-That was an intense training, I wonder if I can feel you
-Fil wolf? *grumpy face*
-I mean you are a big and...
*Before YOU finish, Derris smashes you against the wall*
-Want fil?? GRRR FU*** FIL MUSCLES! *smirk*
-When you finish, bring that big butt of you here! *the Bowie said*

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🐶Is a hat shop, now I want one, covering under your pecs is not bad as it seems *pats them* they need another layer of sunblock, but I want a hat and a mazapan!
🐱Here you have, want my opinion?
🐱This sticker won't have use in Telegram

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Is because I loved so much...but SOOOO MUCH the 3D model of Derris done by I made this little gift for him, is a show of my gratitude, thanks so much man!! This pic was a challenge, becuase I suck with dynamic poses, but I did my best for you :D!!
Daivat is awesome!🐂

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