

Spanish/English 🐺🦈🦎🐱
Just a brain in a jar

フォロー数:900 フォロワー数:29742

The original meme is in spanish and sounds stronger as funnier in that language, but here is the translation if you want to know what he says in the new sticker for Telegram :D!

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You: Why don't you wear the jockstraps?
Derris: *sweating* Clothes are for puny HUMANS!
Y: But you can't be all naked in a public gym and...ohhh are you lifting more than a TON!
Y: You smash me all sweaty and naked...ok :D

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Warwick en latino, checaré ese audio ahora mismo. Y por lo de la galleta, aquí lo tiene :D

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I want to try this!!
Now that you know more about my wolf Derris, let's see your ideas. He is 27 years old and is kinda grumpy...ohhh but your comments will be treasure for me :D!

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Derris: YOU....HERE...NOW!!

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Derris: *sin y más sin demora se le va encima a Willgon, apretando duro y firme los pectorales de su rojo amigo* lobo poder moler rocas...pero si haber otra cosa que poder molerlas fácil...ser estas dos armas enormes!!

3 39

Derris: *Sweating after training* How is wolf now 💪🐺?
You: Derris must let me rub MUSCLES...I mean...FUR!
D: But wolf is wet 💦💦
Y: NOW!!
D: Fine...wolf doesn't care...YOU start over PECS
Y: Here? *place hand 🙌*
D: GRR...that's wolf nip...grr..continue...IS FU**ING EXCITING!

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You: *Taking pics of Derris while he trains and flexes💪* Damn wolf, why does he have to do all of that naked
Derris: Hey what YOU do GRRR!
Y: Nothing, just watch how strong you are and...
D: AND HOW BIG ARE PECS! *grabs and squeeze YOU with the manly pecs*
Y: You...all...SWEATY!

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Hehe es broma, aún con lo rudo que es Will, creo que disfrutaría mucho de este regalo

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Derris: to Derris how big you are!
Kanny: As you wish buddy..hmpf! *grows*💪
*soon Kanny's pecs cover Derris in his shadow*
D: bigger?
K: *grows with a loud boom sound* Bigger!
*a curious by stander is blown away*
D: now wolf has challenge...CLIMB BIG ABS AND PECS💪!

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