

🐺Waiting For DreadWolf🥚
PFP- @AChiiRi_
Banner- @fuzzyzx_ 💖

フォロー数:3618 フォロワー数:635

*cringe* Here's to hoping those letter stop before things escalate.

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I should!! That would be perfect

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Are you really a cosplay creator if you don't burn your hand with hot glue every time you use it?

At least it's not in my hair again...

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This. Right. Here. Hit very close to home. And you have every right to stick up for yourself and cut through their BS. There is only so much a person can put up with, and abuse is not one of them. Hoping things get better from here for you.

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I'm a nerd for human, stalker, killers. So I HIGHLY suggest going to see Hell Fest this month! Real dozy of a Halloween thriller film~

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