

Casey/Cas/Caz or whatever - He/him - 26 icon art by @mohawkmuttpup

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IDK anything about Twigbranch but this feels like a fantastic lineup

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This is SHARK ignore his ref info bc his story has changed but he’s leader of new-bloodclan generations after scourge- where no one rlly knows what bloodclan really was. so now it’s a big found family for loners and city cats who tussle for McDonald’s garbage scraps in alleyways

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Happy I’m Caz I’m an agender trans-masc person and I illustrate and also do graphic design. I’m also currently in the production stages of making my first ever comic ✌️✌️#TDOV

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I made a pokesona

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26. HONESTLY on a technical level it’s not the best shiny but it was my first full odds shiny ever.. pachirisu is the best pikaclone

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19. UGH I can’t choose tbh but like. I really like the villains they’re always some of my favorite parts of the games so Cyrus and Guzma are just. Top tier in that regard. I love Archie and maxie too. And then theres lili who is not evil I just love her dearly

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18. Could not choose between these three. The big experience is having a crush on both Cynthia and Steven stone, and iris is just lovely and has the best champion theme of any generation I’ll die on that hill <33

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