

News Poster/Shitposter for the Girls' Frontline Series

フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:25848

Suomi finally getting her solo concert after being teased for 10 years in G&K base.

26 306

This AI is fucking dangerous, mate.

9 107

But wait, there's more!

13 110

Generating Suomi in a competition swimsuit via AI is good fun while doing other things on the side.

70 623

L42 Experimental AP Ammo
+250 AP, +8 damage

2 37

Skill 2
When Lee Enfield receives a buff:

If she’s e echelon leader, increase DMG of all allies by 8%

Else, increase her RoF by 15% for 5s

This effect can be stacked if she receives multiple buffs. E max amount of stacks == to the no of allies on her tiles when buffs received

4 70

Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?

30 334