

so, I'm Celajla? I do digital art? Fan of ttrpg's. (completely unrelated) Math rules
also polish artist :)

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:10

Had a 10th level oneshot the other day and here's the character I ended up playing.

She was.. bizzarre? Her name was Episphe and she was a 5th lvl swashbuckler rogue/ 3rd lvl way of the kensei monk/ 2nd lvl fighter, astral elf.

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In the story me and are making (pttr) we're working on a bunch of gods, one of which is this guy :)

Lecipline - god of music/dance/art and✨science✨ (also an ex of Sheep)

design still a wip tho

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It's rough, but I'm proud how cute the cuddles turned out :)

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A couple of little drawings of scenes from a story I'm workin on with . Work name for now is Paint The Tower Red tho it might change in the future.

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Evalyn Praeclara - a stuck up noble I played in another playthrough of ai dungeon

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tbh I started working on them when the chapter with the contest first came out. I just didn't have anything to post it on, but here we are and here's Gevypin.

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Some more on Agnes' design, and while at it here are some other old "kinight" oc's I've made/ started

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Originally made it back in 2020, but anyway.

Here's my crackhead cleric felis (light domain). Name's Berch. Even though her god is The God Of Law, this chaotic bastard has a drug business with the party druid.

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