

Deianira/Cel | 23 | ♀ | ♓ | Icon by @SaiSaixChan
I'm not too sure what I'm doing but I'll do my best

フォロー数:353 フォロワー数:81

fiftyruins @ AF DeltaUpright @ AF

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I recently joined my first Dnd campaign, and I wanted to show off my boy Souzan! He's a fire Genasi Warlock, his cat traits come from his Tabaxi father.

3 26

ildelthi @ AF Arallin @ AF Haruzoldyck @ AF

1 2

Saraza @ AF Kitaquil @ AF Opeye @ AF

1 2

I hecking forgot to unhide the overlay layer I put on this when I fixed the mouth markings im a d is a s t er. I'm so sorry StarlaSketch-

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