

Deianira/Cel | 23 | ♀ | ♓ | Icon by @SaiSaixChan
I'm not too sure what I'm doing but I'll do my best

フォロー数:353 フォロワー数:81

Huevember Day 8!
I'm doing a bit of catching up since I took a break yesterday due to exhaustion but I'm going to catch up within the next few days y'all!

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So I wasn't happy with Lynne's old art so I decided to redraw it
I feel like this better captures her personality-

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Subtle things to appreciate:
Everyone has the rank they placed, as a roman numeral somewhere on their outfit

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Pellucid, Chihiro's Dusclops mask, recently got a major redesign
So I wanted to redraw the last picture I posted of her-

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This lil doodle honestly captures all you'd need to know about Lynne and it's my favorite thing-

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Here we have more Lynne content this time in the form of her app art
I just need to work out her written app and she'll be ready~

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Considering joining yuuei-Academy on DA when it opens up
With that in mind have a preview of Lynne, my potential character for the group-

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Aaaand It's finally finished!
It's a day late, but
Happy Birthday to my girl Nozomi Tojo!

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And the final of the three Third year Tarot cards
I am beyond glad that I am finished with these cards-

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Another Preview of the Nozomi Picture
Also I need to learn when to love myself when it comes to Art-

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