

Alyssa/Violet|27|❤💜💙|♀️|Dragon lover|Artist|Skyrim|Fallout|💍@WhemGee|♊|Texan|OC maker/lover|Rock/classic/metal music|Libertarian|Aspergers

フォロー数:191 フォロワー数:88

Ever since we watched Sonic 2, we've been wondering what Knuckles would of looked like if they were to keep the old looks from the very first trailer from the first movie, thinks he would of look like this 🤣🤣

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Drew my fear dragon, Clara, and my beautiful goddess, Azzorun

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Viper, Miraak, Baldur and Henry

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Uranus, Devorah, Levi and Topaz

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Akemi, Umaria, Javier and Nathan

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Emerald, Mavis, Autumn and Roman

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Pearl, Aqua, Aquarius and Danielle

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Albus, Mike, Safira and Xavier

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Neptune, Kayla, Midnight and William

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Indigo, Strawberry, Erlik and Hendrix

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