

I'm Celianna. I develop otome games!

[email protected]

フォロー数:831 フォロワー数:3218

You know, that 'update old art' cycle. Updated Dimitri's first CG to reflect his sprite more. I'm trying to keep a consistency.

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Welp, here we go again, revisiting older art and updating it.

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I did it! Characters blink in a CG including the MC, whose eye/hair and skin colour are determined by the player! So this CG will look different for everyone :)

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Finished Dimitri's third CG! Now comes the annoying art, cutting out all the different colour combinations and putting it back together to form a single picture.

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Yeah that looks a lot better! Also, I was messing around with your design and had a little too much fun with it (he'll forever remain Gary Oak to me). I really like this hair :D

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Neil's final CG, an exclusive Tailor Tales+ perk <3

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Blinking CGs, it takes almost no effort - why don't we see more of this?

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Tweaking Caine a bit more. It's always an endless cycle of making sure your old art is up to date with your newest, isn't it?

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Eyyy, finished Saibara. All character art for my secret side project is complete!

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Just testing out a brush in Photoshop.

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