

Swiss guy 🇨🇭 Gaming passionate, big fan of Fire Emblem / Xenoblade / Final Fantasy / Zelda / Tales of, Celir Aurion on Ragnarok FFXIV

フォロー数:328 フォロワー数:53

How to summarize my overall experience with this game. It was fantastic. Simply. I started off really amazed by how the plot directly puts you into the story without taking its time to introduce the world like a lot of other games do.

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And now, the big villain, Dhaos! I honestly didn't know much apart of his name before playing Phantasia, but oh my god is he such a good villain. Staying mysterious for the ¾ of the game, the way his goal is explained at the end is just heartbreaking. His design is also top tier.

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Suzu Fujibayashi is the optional playable character in the PSX version of the game. A 11 year-old girl who met Cress and his crew in the future timeline of the game. She's calm and very strong internally. She tries to cut her emotions in order to walk the path of the ninjas.

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Arche Klein is my favorite character in the game along with Chester. She's goofy and always trying to joke and tease the others. I also like her design a lot. Talking about Chester, they often get into fights together, what a cute couple. Oh and she's 17 year-old too.

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Claus F. Lester is the guy who will start the best archetype of character in the serie. The old guy! Kidding, he's only 29 year-old but still considered old by the other members of the crew. He likes spirits, women, alcohol and women! He's still an intellectual and very stubborn.

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Mint Adenade is a lovely 18 year-old woman who's able to use divine power to heal every wound. She is, like her mother, a cleric, has a pure heart and cares for the sake of the world. She was captured by someone who wanted to free Dhaos, and rescued by Cress, that's how they met.

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Chester Burklight is Cress' childhood friend. He's the same age and has a sister named Ami. If you search someone to argue with, he's your man. While he may seem arrogant at first, he's just got that strong behavior every team need to push forward in a game like this.

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On to the characters now! The protagonist, Cress Albane is a 17 year-old swordman who grew up in the village of Toltus. He's genuinely kind and brave, always trying to improve to protect his friends, and likes to joke a lot, although not too much in this game. I like him a lot.

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If someone told me I would experience those feels playing a game from 1995, I'd sure laugh. Tales of Phantasia is a jewel among old video games. If I had the opportunity to play this as a kid back in the late 90's, I'd have fallen in love with the serie back then.

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Ah, the Warrior of Light. I've known him with Dissidia before this game, but I really like both designs. I tend to prefer the Dissidia one though, not surprising. I would have loved for these characters to have more backstories, but hey, 1987! That's not too bad after all.

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