

Twitch Affiliate | Twitch Mod | Lurking in the shadows | Always weird

フォロー数:348 フォロワー数:191

Holy crap. Are you okay?! I’m so sorry this happened ;-;

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You and your family have got this! I’m so excited for you guys to start a whole new adventure, with new faces and new places. It’s going to be such a fun ride! Enjoy it <3

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I've been away for awhile due to IRL shit, but damn... Seeing all this DbD hate fills me with anxiety for when I do come back to streaming. Is it really that bad?

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I’m so sorry for your loss ;-; I’m sure he lived a fantastic, full life. May the baby Rest In Peace.

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I don't know, doesn't seem like Mixer would be a viable option, you know, thanks to their TOS (seen below, yes I googled Mixer TOS). Maybe Facebook?

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That’s such great news! I’m so glad your dad is recovering quickly. Looking forward to the news when he gets out of the hospital!

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But where is the avocado you guys worked so hard on? I feel cheated that it's not making an appearance in either of these photos.

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