

Ramblings of an energetic girl about Anime and everything else in between.

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Whispers* Countdown to Season 2... only a few days left

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It's super weird but very early on, I literally went "I'll watch you" if I see a familiar voice actor or an animator/director having worked on it. Found quite a few gems that way~ https://t.co/jlTVi4EsnN

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I think the image boards for the big moments is such a lovely thing! and not far off from the ideas/scenes that happen in this movie. the aesthetics *chef kiss There's a lot more darker and really nice illustrational ones too!

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It was nice to be thrown into battle, I actually don't mind them having chaotic angles and quick cuts with this. Here we get an insight into the Grim Reaper aka Shin's world, but also Handler One giving insults to the 86 but also losing his cool (for reasons explained later)

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I just draw whatever comes to mind I guess? XD

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Hey Aussies, tune into 9Go! at 10am - Watch The awesome (If you missed out, all good it is on the 9NOW APP for you to enjoy whenever!)

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If that PV is anything to go by, episode 48 is gonna be non stop action colourful goodness!!~

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But yes Cannot wait to see this unfold!~ *_*

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oh boy can't wait to see thissss *screams

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Well it's gonna be interesting doing weekly art of now that I am almost back to I having no idea what's going on HAHAHAHahahaha!!~ fun times : D

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