Centre for Folklore, Myth and Magic.さんのプロフィール画像

Centre for Folklore, Myth and Magic.さんのイラストまとめ

Arts, Film, Talks, Crafts, Library, Archive, Research, Education, Workshops, Education, Storytelling, Conferences, Local Folk History. Open Wed-Sat.

フォロー数:1887 フォロワー数:24337

No sleep last night, we did a bit of maths but bleugh!
So I’ve declared today a day off and we’re going to start learning how to play D&D instead.
Any D&Ders out there? Where do I begin?
Small one has been desperate to play for months!

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The sun is out, it feels ‘safe’ at The Park; dog walkers slow their pace to admire the view. The bus drives across the hill, its shadow flickering jauntily along the walls, but something’s not right. Are there other, hard to glimpse shadows running alongside?

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Many people have been pixy-led as they travel across the remote hills and moors of Devon and Cornwall, or even at night on familiar roads. To avoid getting lost in this way, turn your coat inside-out, or carry some bread in your pocket.
Illustration- Brian Froud

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In 1835, south-west Ireland, a tiny shoe was found by a farm labourer on a remote sheep track. It is 2 and 7/8 inches long, black, worn at the heel, made with tiny hand sewn stitches, possibly from mouse skin. Did it belong to the ‘good people’?

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Mixed with anemone bulbs- the first anemone of the year must be picked saying-
‘Anemone, I gather thee for a remedy against all diseases’
and kept as protection against illness.

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Most common profession for Leprechauns is shoemaker/cobbler. An invaluable job seeing as Trooping Fairies spend so much time dancing in fairy forts at balls & wearing their shoes out. The tapping of his hammer often betrays his position.
Illus. Holly Black

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‘“O Grandmother, what big ears you have got” she said’
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, 1909. Illus. Arthur Rackham

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The swallow who got left behind. Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince, lovesick swallow doesn’t migrate to Egypt as winter draws in &helps Happy Prince distribute gold &jewels to the poor, cold and hungry of the city. He stays too long, dying of cold at Prince’s feet.

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When I saw this painting this morning I was slightly concerned we might not be allowed to leave, but I’m on train home after an amazing 2 days & just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your hard work putting together a fantastic conference!

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