Bran (Open Comms)さんのプロフィール画像

Bran (Open Comms)さんのイラストまとめ

Cartoonist and hope-to-be animator. 23 and not likin' it... (He/Him/they/them)
Check out my comic Bran Flakes (it's the thing listed as my website)…

フォロー数:714 フォロワー数:191

got knux to a state I was happy with
unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to get that necklace for his swoosh to show without it looking weird so just trust me that it's there
I'm going to line and properly color and all that but here's a basic color of the sketch

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got Tails' design finished
next is Knux
then I line and do all the nice coloring and such

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I'm liking this a lot more than I should

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quickly concepting how i want to background this
used a screenshot of the fallout 4 trailer lol

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figure I should show the whole thing, got flat color at the moment
and a repeat of the pipboy detail shot because I don't know what else to show lol

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Pipboy screen is a screenshot of my current playthrough lol

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a sketch of Philly
just some more getting used to the new kit

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a little bit of warmup and colortheory/value testing/experiementation

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guys how the fuck do I make this match my new painting style

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