

The Dragon in the Neighborhood |
33| gunmetalblack soul | artist | SFW

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:34

I decided to travel throu my world; passing the caribic I wanted to take some pictures.
Huff.. Yeah.. Dreaming about traveling right now.

Enjoy dreaming


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German language 101:
Mond -> Moon
Baum -> Tree

So this tree is growing a moon and is a home for these pretty little night-butterflies.
For me that's a soothing scenery.


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What if there were vegan primal predators, craving for a steak?
That's a weird idea and I had a lot of fun doing this.
Who wants a bite?


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A little design for a keychain I did along with an ACEO card.
The character on this card had one of these fish ice "cones" for herself.
So I thought it could be nice for the owner to have one, too.


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German Language 101:
Strom -> Power
Kabel -> cable or cord
Stromkabel -> Power cord/cable

One scenery, two moods.
What nature makes with the lighting during seasons is just gorgeous!


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Even in this times it's possible to share some love.
Even it's just a virtual hug.
I made this for two friends of us as their post card picture for this year.


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A little gift I made for 2 awesome friends.
This is the first part; Misan.


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Another piece I originally did traditional and now recreated it digitally.
Angels have wings, even if you don't see them.
This one leaps from the night into the day; just by raising a curtain.

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German language 101:
Laterne-> lantern; Schnegge (dialect/slang)-> Schnecke-> snail
Combine these two words and you get my Laternenschnegge.
Or the more creepy version: what would happen if a snail had babies with a lanternfish (google it!)?

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German laguage 101:
Feld -> field
Yeah, this one is pretty obvious, but sometimes it's the small things ;)
I'm still figuring out, what these black comets could be.
Any guesses?


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