

リアナです。I’m Rhi! ♡ ٩( ᐛ )و Ex-JET, part-time Jigglypuff, amateur cake decorator and plush enthusiast. Claim to fame: designing Liberty for Moshi Monsters. 🍦🗽

フォロー数:700 フォロワー数:627

I’m so happy to have spent the past year with this wonderful man (and we finally went ahead and visited Shrek’s Adventure after joking about it last January)! I’m the happiest girl. Happy anniversary, my love! I can’t wait to spend many more anniversaries with you. 🥰💖✨💕

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‘Tis the season! Excited for Eurovision 2018 later tonight (at 4AM over here!). Obligatory Loreen pic from 2012. Any of you wonderful people celebrating the contest with your own Eurovision parties? 🇪🇺🎵🎉

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I’ll figure out how to take this back to the UK later... 🐳

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Today marks exactly one year since I moved to Tokyo! So much has happened, and it's flown by. Here's to year two! 🎉🇯🇵

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Thank you so much, Beth! ❤️

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More birbs! This time, it's a Black Mage Chocobo. My favourite to use in Chocobo's Dungeon! 🐤

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The trees are in bloom here! Very happy with my Jigglyplush too. Today has been a very pink day! 🌸🌸🌸

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I can't stop... Some of my favourite people in Meitu form! 😂

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My poor wallet! Tokyo is just too wonderful. Also, that honey toast defeated me well and truly...

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