

⛔DO NOT USE MY WORKS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION⚠️|| I love masked characters & armour||contact me in Bsky||
✨ I will post random/meme/doodles/game stuff in here ✨…

フォロー数:149 フォロワー数:2780

Playing around guessing their face with someone

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Socializing is hard yah

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Bukannya gamau aman tentram sentosa berjamaah, tapi oe oe ni yg pada nyanya nyinyi muluuuuuu, trus malah nyalahin sepuh2 yg mau ceramahin nte nte sekalian

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Bisa ga sih nda usah bacot soal hal yg ga mutu, la elu malah makin menjadi ae 🥴 nte dlu uda bandingin karakter yg aslinya "SIAP, AGUS!" dijadiin "eneng" sama mba "nyi roro kidul" lah ini sekarang malah nyenyenye gasuka yg buat serialnya aya aya wae wak e nah

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Oh no, not that question again

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That FUCKING moment when you saw someone PLAGIARIZING your FUCKING ARTWORK and got FUCKING many likes from that. AS A FUCKING SMALL ARTIST, I'M FUCKING OFFENDED

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