

Chatanz (茶摊子 ,'Tea Stall'). Joint-studio of Dumpling-Canai & BaiWuzhi. Anime, game, fantasy art. EN/中文.

フォロー数:194 フォロワー数:26

Sketches for FC members to celebrate the landing of ~~

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Work-in-progress of a random short-story. Partially inspired by all the adoptables designs online, and partially by the show.

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Expanded your gang by a factor of more than 2! XD
Any ideas on who else to add?

From left: Anubis (Kamigami no Asobi), Waporif (Simoun), Envy (FMA), Sanzo (Saiyuki), Izuminokami (TKRB), Kyousuke (Prince of Stride), Ozymandias (FGO), Miqo'te (FFXIV).

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在画家B-san ( )的促使下拿起笔开始画的刀剑乱舞 Kanesan角色!

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