⚡️Chaton Laser⚡️さんのプロフィール画像

⚡️Chaton Laser⚡️さんのイラストまとめ

They / them , 30
Visdev @chouettecie, comic artist, art director/lead pixel artist on @builtbysnowman Lucky Luna. Fuck AI

フォロー数:1802 フォロワー数:24657

Hope it's not too late to catch the art train, thank you for tagging me !

Welcome aboard (if you want <3)

Share your arties onto the next stop! 🚎

35 280

Sometimes I still think of Nanno & Robo🌺

441 3139

Yay colors ! Let's hope it comes out of the Riso printer nicely 🌻

167 1275

Hell subway with colors test🤔

124 907

A good time to look back at the Mercenary Kings comic , now 7 yrs ago. Progress has been made, but I'm still quite fond of it !


4 62