

dude why are you stalking this account I don't use it anymore

フォロー数:553 フォロワー数:84

So.. I'm getting back in.
Shiro is done !
However, she's only the first one, of the first paper I have, so... this will be a thread where I will post everything from paper 1 (paper 2 and 3 will get another one)
I hope that it isn't too disappointing

11 28

Len'en-ctober Day 3: Fumikado !
I got lazy with colors, so I used the dot thing in Krita, sorry !
Left image is just the transparent version !

8 18

In a shitpost channel, we just went from image one..
To image two.. To image three...
And then, to image four.
The context is.. a bit too hard to explain. Buut...
Basically, lots of jokes that followed each others, that I turned into bad edits.

Pls don't kill me

0 2

I realised I forgot to share the drawings I did the last few days
So, the first one is a TsubaKuro 2 pannel comic
Second one, AojIyo crack-ship, literally
Third and fourth, drawings based on the idea that Xeno A is Mitori's true parent, but had to abandon them earlier

6 16

I forgot to share it here..
Hooaka ! (The font of this version is slight lighter than the one I posted on Discord, some will notice)

12 23

Wanted to cheer myself up before tomorrow's exams, so here goes Mitori~
(I might do a better drawing when It'll end)

9 28