

He/him | ENG/RUS.

I create things. Retweets appreciated.

Accounts that look like bots get blocked.

フォロー数:222 フォロワー数:177

Its that one really weird game where you lose your items on hit. I dunno what hashtags to even put in so have these:

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Idk what im doin here for a whole year already but i still exist i guess

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I cant come up with any descriptions at all today.

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Leech mage
I would call it a leech lich but it doesnt really look like a lich so sadly its just a mage, a leech mage.

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Decided to try making a drawing without lineart, i think this came out pretty good.

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Alright i finally decided to draw something so i drew everyones favourite boss from the binding of isaac! I dunno if i need to but here i go anyways

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Spider man, spider man, does whatever this poor fella can, bills are high, pay is low, too tired to live yet too busy to stop...

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made all the needed art for the devlog, now just need to do the voiceover and edit it all together

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