

Self-taught artist, 2D and soon to be 3D animator, TTRPG enthusiast and extreme dice goblin, at your service.

フォロー数:1457 フォロワー数:165

I was a bit busy during the weekend and I had a headache from the heat, but I managed to finish Nhedera!

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Hey, I'm finally back!
Took me a while, but I managed to get myself together! I also needed the longer break; I was definitely tired and burnt out, though I still enjoyed drawing - I just didn't want to post it. Until now! 🥳

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I'm planning to apply for a job, so it's likely I won't post too often while I'm working on my portfolio in the next two months. After that I'll return to my usual schedule!

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I wanted to use this drawing as a base for planning outfits, but I already started another drawing with Thilia's 3rd lvl outfit... I love to suffer XD

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Some sketches for today, 'cause I started to dislike my previous drawing about Thilia xD I had a difficult start with it, 'cause I'm still not used to draw fullbody artworks, but I got the hang of it!

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Tiny adjustments, 'cause it looks better this way - I keep forgetting to change the gray background, lol

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With and without the fake beard, Siriano, alias Dandy is ready for action! I really enjoyed drawing this one, I just love this character's personality :D

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Lineart + flats + the fake beard😂Because I really enjoyed Dandy's personality, I was super happy and motivated to sit down and continue the drawing!

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Some older sketches for today about Dandy, whom I poorly misgendered earlier - it turned out in our last session that he refers himself as a male, and now I feel dumb🤦

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Our DnD session took way longer than we planned and I'm still recovering from the plottwist we experienced, but I finally managed to finish this one😂

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